IESL will be facilitating the eligible corporate members to cast their vote electronically in the forthcoming 2017/18 council elections.
The world renowned e-voting company “Scytl” has been selected as the system provider by IESL after a detailed evaluation process. A Mock election was conducted by the Chief Returning Officer with a sample of voters and results of the testing was submitted to the council on 4th August 2017. The council has approved to go ahead with the e-voting.
During 2017/18 election, a voter will get postal voting related documents and the e-voting related documents to his/her postal address. The voter can choose to use either mode to cast the vote. The postal vote will take precedence in case, if the voter has casted postal & e-vote both.
The total cost of conducting evoting including printing and posting of evoting pack to all eligible voters by service provider Scytl is Rs 1,464,750.00.