Annual General Meeting of the
INSTITUTION of Engineers, Sri Lanka (IESL) held virtually
Annual General Meeting of the Institutions of Engineers, Sri Lanka (IESL) was held on 30th October 2021 in a virtual environment.
Widely known as IESL, is the successor to the Engineering Association of Ceylon which was formed in 1906 at Anuradhapura. In 1956, the Association was reconstituted to become ‘The Institute of Engineers, Ceylon’ and was made an incorporated body of the Government by an act of parliament in 1968. Later in 1996 it became the Institution of Engineers, Sri Lanka with an amendment to the incorporation act.
The 116th Annual General Meeting of the Institution of Engineers, Sri Lanka was held as a virtual meeting, due to the prevailing situation in the country. Considering the safety of the members and adhering to the government issued safety protocols to follow during the pandemic situation, it was decided to hold the Annual General Meeting as a virtual gathering.
Corporate members of the institution and Associate members of the institution were invited to the Annual General Meeting. The meeting was attended by more than 200 members.
The financial statement of the institution was presented by the honorary treasurer and the election results were presented by the Chief Returning Officer. Senior members of the institution expressed their thoughts and ideas during the annual general meeting.
The main highlight of the AGM is the official handing over of the mantel of presidency to the incoming president Eng. Arjuna Manamperi by the outgoing president Eng. K P I U Dharmapala.
Outgoing president Eng. K P I U Dharmapala thanked the council members and members of the institution and the secretariat staff for their support given during his tenure and wished good fortune for the incoming president and the council.
Incoming president Eng. Arjuna Manamperi addressing the gathering requested the support of the newly elected council and the members in the year to come.
Annual Transaction Part A
Annual Transactions Part A is the annual report of the IESL. Click here to view the full report.
Council for the session 2021/2022
Click Here to view the Council for the Session 2021/2022
Click Here