Payment Methods
Please note that the following modes of payment are now available:
a. Online Payment
This is the easiest and simplest way to pay subscriptions using IESL MIS System
- click
- login to MIS System by using your User Name and Password (If you do not know how to login
to MIS system click here)
- Go to “My Payments” submenu
- Click the submenu ”Outstanding”
- If you have any outstanding payments, they are displayed in your profile
- Please click the icon/s in front of the outstanding invoice/s
- Press “Pay Online” button
- You will be directed to the Internet Payment Gateway (IPG)
- Click the “BOC” logo
- Enter the details requested by your Bank and click “Pay Now” button. As per your agreement with Credit/Debit Card supplier, an OTP (One Time Password) will be sent to your registered mobile/email with the Credit/Debit card supplier.
Note: Following banks allow eCommerce transactions with their cards by default
- Sampath Bank Debit/Credit/Web Cards
- HSBC Debit/Credit Cards
- Commercial Bank Debit/Credit Cards
- BOC Credit Card
- People's Bank Credit Card
Some banks DO NOT allow eCommerce transactions with their cards by default. Please check with the Bank whether your card is acceptable for eCommerce transactions or not, before using BOC Bank Internet Payment Gateway (IPG).
a. Bank Online Transfer Method
Transfer funds to the Institution of Engineers, Sri Lanka Account No: 0002323113 maintained at the Torrington Square Branch of the Bank of Ceylon with the confirmation of payment received from the bank and inform us using ‘informed payment method’ of IESL MIS or via email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. quoting your membership number and name with initials. You may follow first 6 steps mentioned in item 2.(a) to know the outstanding amounts and respective invoices.
b. Cash/Cheque payments made directly at any branch of Bank of Ceylon to the Account No.002323113 of the Institution of Engineers, Sri Lanka maintained at the Torrington Square Branch of the Bank of Ceylon using the special payment slip available at the bank. A copy of the slip should be sent to us, preferably using informed payment method of MIS or via email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. along with the payment slip. You may follow first 6 steps mentioned in item 2.(a) to know the outstanding amounts and respective invoices.
c. Other Payment Methods
- Chequesdrawn in favor of ‘’The Institution of Engineers, Sri Lanka” and posted to Finance Manager, The Institution of Engineers Sri Lanka, 120/15, Wijerama Mawatha, Colombo 07.
- Cash/Cheque /Credit Card/Debit card payments made in person during normal working days from 8.30 am to 4.30 pm at IESL Headquarters, 120/15, Wijerama Mawatha, Colombo 7.
You may follow first 6 steps mentioned in item 2(a) to know the outstanding amounts and respective invoices.