IESL writes to the HE the President on KNDU Bill
Sir John Kotelawala Defence Academy was established in 1981 by Parliamentary Act No. 68 of 1981. The Academy was granted University status by the Sir John Kotelawala Defence Academy (Amendment) Act No. 27 of 1988. In 2007, it was renamed as General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University.
The original objective of the Academy, as stated in the Act, was to provide training for ‘pre-officer cadets’. This Bill was first put forward in 2018, but due to widespread protests and criticism, it was not presented to Parliament. The Bill in concern has been taken up again by the Parliament.
IESL as the apex body for professional engineers, and as a leading institution working on establishing prudent educational policies in the country has objected to the proposed KNDU bill and requested the Government to totally withdraw the proposed bill by a letter to His Excellency the President on several grounds. You may find the letter sent by IESL below.
The letter sent by IESL to His Excellency the President
The Proposed Bill - View