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In memory of the father of electrical engineering education in Sri Lanka

In memory of the father of electrical engineering education in Sri Lanka

115th birth anniversary of the father of electrical engineering education in Sri Lanka - Eng. (Prof.) R. H. Paul - was commemorated by the Institution of Engineers, Sri Lanka with a memorial lecture held at the institution Auditorium on 8th February 2019, in the presence of a large audience.

 This year’s memorial oration was delivered by Eng. (Prof.) J. P. Karunadasa, Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Moratuwa, on the theme “Are we ready to face challenges in a power electronics rich power system? “

Welcoming the attendees to the 38th consecutive Prof. R. H. Paul memorial lecture, Eng. (Prof) T.M. Pallewatta, the president of the Institution of Engineers, Sri Lanka said that “Prof. R.H. Paul devoted every second of his life to form an eminent engineering profession in Sri Lanka and to enrich the quality of it to reach the international standards. Also, today we are fortunate to have competent electrical engineers who followed the footsteps of those of Prof. Paul and became exceptional personalities in the electrical engineering field.”

The event was organized by the Electrical and Electronic Engineering Sectional Committee of the IESL.  Council Members, Past Presidents and other members of the institution and relatives of Prof. R.H. Paul joined with IESL to commemorate the birth anniversary of this son of the soil.

Event Photos

Published Date: 2019-02-14 23:10:15