Eng. Dr. A.C. Visvalingam Annual Award for Most Outstanding Engineer – 2024
Engineering has been an integral part of our lives since ancient civilizations, through industrial revolutions, and into the twenty-first century. Throughout history, particular inventions and innovations have been attributed to engineering giants who have changed the tides of civilization. Sri Lanka, with a proud engineering history, recognizes and honors contemporary engineering geniuses such as Eng. (Dr.) A N S Kulasinghe, Eng. (Dr.) Ray Wijewardhena, and others. Similary in this modern era, outstanding engineers must be recognized and be honored for their enomous contributions to the profession and to the country. Today, A very generous contribution made by Eng. Dr. A.C. Visvalingam has enabled IESL to award an attractive prize for the most outstanding Engineer annually.
Eng. Dr. A.C. Visvalingam, an exemplary Structural and Civil Engineer and a Honorary Life Member of IESL, a visionary himself, was anxious to make such an award having recognized the need for the professional enhancement of engineers to the benefit of the society and country.
This award will be made annually to a suitable professional engineer under stipulated rules and guidelines to a candidate of exemplary commitment with aptitudes and qualities as stated below.
The proposed Award will recognize an outstanding Engineer who has shown “exemplary commitment” in engineering and who has contributed to Sri Lankan society (and/or globally) through Engineering practice, innovations, resourcefulness, good governance, commitment to health, safety, and environmental sustainability, while always adhering to good ethical practices.
This Award will be presented at the inauguration ceremony of the IESL Annual Sessions to one living Engineer, once in a life time and will carry a cash award. Council shall decide the amount as specified in the agreement with the donor.
The application forms along with rules and guidelines can be obtained from IESL Secretariat from 12 noon 02nd May 2024, to 16.00hr 22nd May 2024 or downloaded from the IESL web. The closing date for submission of application forms and relevant documents will be 15.00hr 31st May 2024.
Individual applications and nominations are both accepted for consideration of the award. Hard copies of applications should be sent to the CEO/Executive Secretary, the Institution of Engineers, Sri Lanka, 120/15, Wijerama Mawatha, Colombo 07 by registerd post mentioning “ Eng. Dr. A.C. Visvalingam Annual Award for Most Outstanding Engineer – 2024” on the top right corner, and soft copies should be sent to es@iesl.lk with the same as the email subject. Hard copies are accepted at the IESL secretariat as well.
Documents related to Eng. Dr. A.C. Visvalingam Annual Award
Eng. Dr. A.C. Visvalingam Annual Award – Background
Eng. Dr. A.C. Visvalingam Annual Award – Application Form
Eng. Dr. A.C. Visvalingam Annual Award – Sponsor Questionnaire
Eng. Dr. A.C. Visvalingam Annual Award – Rules and Guidelines