+94 11 2698426 | +94 11 2699202 | info@iesl.lk


2019-06-06 10:48:10


120/15, Wijerama Mawatha, Colombo 07

Our Ref : IESL/ES/Co/010/2019/01

June 3, 2019

To : All Corporate Members


The Annual General Meeting of the Institution of Engineers, Sri Lanka is scheduled to be held on Saturday – October 26, 2019 at 9.00 a.m. at the Nugasevana Hall of the BMICH, Colombo 7.

According to the By-Law-86 which is reproduced below, any resolutions which are to be taken up at the AGM must be received by the Executive Secretary as specified therein.

86a.     The Annual General Meeting shall be held at a Convenient date between 1st August and 31st October at such place and at such hour as may be decided by the Council, to receive and deliberate upon the Report of the Council on the state of the Institution, with the Annual Statement of Accounts and the report of the Auditor thereon, to receive a report on the election to the Council and to appoint an Auditor and to consider and decide upon any motions duly received.  Notice of the Annual General Meeting shall be given to each member not less than one hundred and twenty (120) days before the meeting and shall be sent to each Corporate Member.  Twenty Corporate Members shall be a quorum at an Annual General Meeting.

86b.     Any resolutions which are to be taken up at the Annual General Meeting must be received by the Secretary at least 42 days before such meeting except in the case of those relating to By-Laws which must be received by the Secretary at least 90 days before the meeting.

Resolutions relating to By-Laws shall be passed on to By-laws Revision Committee by the Council to obtain its observations.  These resolutions when presented to the general membership should accompany the observations of the By-Laws Revision Committee.

Resolutions shall be passed by a simple majority except in the case of those relating to By-Laws which shall require a majority of two-thirds.  There shall be at least 50 Corporate Members present at the time of voting. “Two-thirds majority shall mean that the number voting in favor is equal to or  more than two thirds of the total number of eligible voters present in the house at the time of voting"

86c.     All resolutions received in terms of 86(b) and duly proposed and seconded by Corporate Members shall be circulated with the comments of Council, if any.

86d.     The Council will not veto or refrain from circulating any resolutions given notice of  by any Corporate Member.

86e.     The responsibility for the proper arrangement of the Annual General Meeting, the presentation of the Minutes and Council’s Annual Report will rest with the Honorary Secretary.  The responsibility for the proper conduct of the AGM will rest with the President.


The Corporate Members, who wish to move resolutions, are therefore requested to send them before 1600 hrs. on the under mentioned dates, accordingly.

  1. Resolutions which are related to By-Laws -  July 26, 2019
  2. Resolutions which are not related to By-Laws -  September 12, 2019


Please note that resolutions that are transmitted on Facsimile/E-mail will not be accepted.

Eng. Mangala Silva

Honorary Secretary