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5.7. Route for Chartered Engineers of Professional Institutions recognized by the IESL

5.7.1. Academic qualifications:
Candidates applying for corporate membership as chartered engineers of professional engineering institutions recognized by IESL shall satisfy the educational requirements for Associate Membership of IESL.

5.7.2. Professional qualifications:
i. Any candidate shall have 48 months of engineering experience after obtaining the academic qualifications stated above
ii. Civil engineers will be required to submit a design supported by calculations, specifications, drawings and priced BOQ
submit a design-oriented Project Report based on the candidate‘s own direct involvement as part of his/her normal duties within the preceding ten years or results of a project study in the form of a dissertation of not less than 6000 words

5.7.3. Report on Experience
i. The candidate is required to submit along with his/her application a Report on his/her Experience.
ii. The main objective of the Report on Experience is to demonstrate that the candidate has achieved the degree of professional competence required of a Corporate Member of the IESL.

5.7.4. Written Paper
All candidates are required to pass a written examination where the knowledge of the Sri Lankan legal framework to practice engineering in Sri Lanka and IESL code of ethics will be assessed.

5.7.5. Interview
All candidates who have successfully completed the written paper and have satisfied the requirements as given in i) and ii) above, shall appear for an Interview and at the outset of the interview candidate is required to make a Power Point presentation not exceeding twenty (20) minutes time.

5.7.6. Candidates applying under this route should be current members of the Professional Institutions recognized by the IESL at the time of application.

5.7.7. Exemption: Citizens of Sri Lanka who have been practicing Engineering in an IESL approved organization (in Sri Lanka) for a minimum of 5 years after obtaining the Charter from a recognized engineering institution will be exempted from the written examination.


Note: In the online application form please upload your CV instead of Experience Report. 

Online Application Form - Click