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CESC Seminar: Applications of Digital Twin Models in the Construction Industry

  • Venue:Waters Edge
  • Date:on 2024-07-16
  • Time:8:30 AM


Inviting proposals for innovative ideas of water conservation techniques for Home Gardening

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CoVID – 19 pandemic brought in significant impacts to the society and the threat to immediate food security is on top of the list. It is evident that Government is highly encouraging home gardening as a remedial measure to this situation. There is a clear interest in the society for home gardening and it is fair to conclude that this situation would prevail for some time.  However, the water requirement for home gardening will increase the domestic per capita water usage all over the country. According to the National Water Supply and Drainage Board, the cost of production of one mof treated water is about Rs. 50 and it will be a real challenge to provide increased domestic water demand continuously. 


As responsible organisation, Water Forum of IESL, is encouraging the home gardening drive by all means. In the meantime, we shall encourage identifying the ways and means of managing the additional water demand. One of the ways in this regard is to minimize water usage and to identify cost effective and easily adoptable means of reducing water use (in real sense, to feed only the actual requirement of water for the crop). Drip irrigation, automated sprinkler systems, rainwater harvesting, revival of dug wells, re-use of water are some techniques which can be adopted. 


The innovative proposals for best water conserving measures for Home Gardening are invited from Members of IESL. Proposal should be innovative, simple, practical, aimed at conserving water and energy and suitable to implement on households in Sri Lanka. Proposals will be evaluated under three categories based on suitability home gardening in (A) Urban (B) Peri-urban (C) Dry zone areas. Proposals can be submitted for any type of above three areas and the type and the type should be clearly mentioned in your proposal. A panel of experts consisting of professionals from different branches of water sector will evaluate the proposals based on innovativeness, simplicity, practicality, effectiveness in water and energy conservation and suitability for the selected area). The selected best three proposals, one from each category will be recognized and awarded by the Water Forum of IESL.  

Proposal Submission Deadline: 6th June  2020 

Email your proposals to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Cc: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Quick links:      Format for competition

                       Rain Water Harvesting