Digitisation and Access to Broadband Services in Sri Lanka
BY Eng. J L Jayawardena
Abstract: Customer complaints are not unique to Sri Lanka Internet and Telecommunication landscape but it is a common theme that need to be addressed and provide expeditious resolution to fix the defects. The regulatory and the ombudsman need to be two independents in the policy setting in order addressing grievances and complaints effectively. The inadequacy of system capacity and limited scalability to meet the growth, are key factors for increasing number of complaints and the inadequacy of legal frame work in tackling them. This paper indents to highlight some of the critical technical issues seen in Sri Lanka Telecommunication and ICT sectors.
1. Preamble
Skimming through internet for statistics on ranking countries based on internet speeds, both land and mobile, Sri Lanka stands in a substantive good position especially amongst Asia Pacific countries. But such data being compiled from that provided by the national authorities may be, speculative and not reflect “critical factors” vital for end user to make informed service choices of acceptable quality: i.e. inclusive accessibility, affordability, accuracy and reliability performance and coverage. These rankings shouldn’t be taken for comfort, complacency and breathing space for the policy makers, without due consideration of “critical factors”. The newspaper article on 11th July of Sunday Times exposes the limitations of performance. The intention of this paper is not to limit the discussion of internet accessibility, a common resource, but to highlight This paper indents to highlight some of the critical technical issues seen in Sri Lanka Telecommunication and ICT sectors and the importance of Integrated Information System (FIIS)and statutory framework.
2. Squalid state of Broadband service
This doubt is affirmed by the agony lamented of the squalid state of Broadband service reporting on 11th July on Sunday Times spotlighting the disregard of these “critical factors” forcing students in remote villages deprived of schooling- by CoVID epidemic - to scale trees striving for phone signals in their quest to get access to e-classes. It’s a vivid display of not understanding the primary scope of “Tele” in Telecommunication, the foundation that synergize the power of Digitization of Information and economies of any to any networking, engendering the fourth industrial revolution that’s permeating globally Information Networked Services (INS), facilitating ease of, acquisition and processing data for exchange/dissemination of information of all types and their mix, availing Fully Integrated Information System (FIIS).
The importance of FIIS to Sri Lanka is firmly endorsed in the Project “ICTA/AFC/ C/IC03/58 eGovernment Strategy Dec 2013”, initiated by the then President, guaranteeing citizen-friendly, cost-effective and converged service delivery of Information of all types and mix to all via economies of networked government implementable by 2020” shows the dedication of then Sri Lanka leadership to partake in the global INS, that’s extremely vital to benefit optimally from synergies of networking economy and the emerging AI driven telecommuting services and “Fintech” the cashless economy.
Now with the new government whose priorities of building infrastructure are at the forefront, public expects Ministry of Digitization, an influential stakeholder to take this initiative forward and make this a reality, immediately assigning the responsibilities to relevant workgroups without dumping in backburner as in the past six years and delay the benefit realization without being rhetorical. Although, the current priorities have changed since the constitution of the report, the requirement and demand of internet access in midst of COVID pandemic has never been diminished but has grown since. With Working from Home, e-learning, home schooling, e-marketing and e-selling, whatever connotations assigned, have exhorted the importance and the need for early action. The report, e-Gov strategy talks multiple times about objectives, project outputs but with no reference to creations of products, outcomes and realization of benefits in project/program management sense how and when the benefits will flow to the public. Early implementation of FIIS with boost sector efficacy harnessing of economies of networking a vital prerequisite for digitisation of the economy.
Regrettably, the Telecom Regulator hasn’t played a lead role, over the years, in the FIIS implementation, let alone equipped with the portfolio of FIIS and is not adequately equipped with Info system reachable from any location of the nation. It’s a loud whisper that since dismantling of the FIIS setup at the time of creation of the Regulatory entity in 1991, the TRCSL info system has been a crude set files, that too containing unvalidated data not conforming to definitions. These crude scrappy files have nullity capability to monitor and achieve Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) of the sector, certainly or not to look with a Nelsonian eye, without fear, favour, affection or ill-will but to ensure the following amongst others, measuring the depth, usage rather than rhetoric of broadband emphasis and broadcast initiatives taken to date. It is imperative that Operators provide information of current broadband usage and billing data to baseline the expected level to be achieved in coverage, speed, usage and pricing models. This should be continued in an ongoing basis for continuous improvement.
It seems pertinent to mention the inability of the health sector to provide e accurate Covid-19 Data, said to be attributable to failure to provide a simple information system accessible from any location nationwide. Such system is essential to acquire, store real time data of the relevant attributes for processing and retrieval of all necessary information of citizens tested for Covid-19, infections, vaccinated and deaths. Though it is appeared to be rudimentary task that could be done by even an Advanced level IT student, Data Science is an area of specialization and professional competence to be developed and acquired by Regulator. As the sole portfolio owner of FIIS, there is no escape from the responsibility, neglect and obliviousness of TRCSL team including the senior management.
The hallmark of a successful sector specific regulator is that it is much respected within the sector being independent and by actions, if not revered, both by the service providers and service users. The simple question is that, is the TRCSL duly, faithfully and to the best of its ability performing its duty? It is also recently noted that regulators’ actions contravene the accepted norms set out in the governance framework in particular communication and handling complaints. In complex situations where the resolution time exceeds the stipulated number days, it is customary to acknowledge and provide a reference number for future enquiry in the event of any unusual delays of a permanent fix or a temporary workaround. In this information age it is very simple to build a web-portal so that the complainer could track the progress of the fault handling process similar to the parcel tracking systems employed by logistic companies. The regulator should also enforce refunds for the period of non-availability of service.
Far more important and catastrophic is that the absence and of clarity of the following:
- License terms and conditions, and criteria of issuance;
- Sector specific public goods in particular, Radio Towers at strategic locations, Way Leave, Cabe Landing Sites management based on usage and cost data enabling licensees can operate without hindrance;
- Sharing resources between service providers;
- The national interests, and the interests of the customers of licensees are always secured in an environment of commercial operations by porting and analysing data from operator and their annual reports to the TRCSL FIIS;
- Analysis of KPI of subscriber complaints received via phone, email post and other ‘by (a) voice calls (b) broadband usage (c) volume of SMS and (d) billing etc.;
- Assessment of quarterly data by operator of per subscriber: per month (1) voice call usage minutes, (2) broadband usage in GB;
- Establish basic web-based tools and guidance to educate the subscriber to make informed choice to enable satisfaction of user expectations at minimal cost It would in turn help to boost market competitiveness; and
- Establishment of clear regulatory frame work and independent umpire, an ombudsman with requisite power, to resolve complaints grievances of customers.
3. Complaints of Internet services
4G voice services intermittently fail and recover in 1-2 minutes, this has seen predominantly in Colombo. The stock excuse of the service providers is that the ever-increasing construction of high-rise buildings is the cause of this problem. High rise buildings naturally create shadows, however, this pattern of services getting lost haven’t been reported in other territories as a result of construction of high-rise buildings. Without giving such flimsy excuses it is better, either the regulator or service provide(s) to study coverage plots and ascertain the root cause of intermittent failures. If a person in mobile there could be failures as a result of, shadowing and also handing over the call from one cell to another due to multiple reasons, one could be all channels of the new cell are fully occupied at the time of handover. The issue is let alone nonconformance with technical requisites addressed in the documentation of the International, Telecommunication Union (ITU), the UN specialized body on Telecommunication in which Sri Lanka is a member even before independence.
Another poor-quality issue is that even with adequate signal levels the data connection becomes erratic. The tell-tale sign of this is the manifold reduction of one’s quota of data for the tariff paid for the file size downloaded due to repetitive transmission for error correction – retransmission of packets.
Furthermore, it is a fact that only Sri Lanka is without of a national IXP (Internet eXchange Point) since the forced closure of that was installed by CEO Lanakacom around 1981 at the request of the Regional ITU. The primary purpose of an IXP is to allow networks to interconnect directly, via the exchange, rather than going through one or more third-party networks. The advantages of direct interconnection are cost, latency, and bandwidth. The adjacent map shows the IXPs deployed in Asia and in South East Asia to throttle and exchange of Internet traffic flow. The absence of IXP in Sri Lanka also leads to daylight robbery of data is being metered and is certainly not mandating packages of unlimited data but to correct the error of poor quality in data transmission. As opposed to an IXP, two operator networks can have their own private peering facility to transfer traffic between them. Nevertheless, it is considered as a good arrangement, having no third-party involvement for as a transit point. it is not the optimal solution of transferring traffic among multiple service providers.
There are various complaints not only pertaining to voice calls over 3G or 4G but also communications over other applications viz WhatsApp, Viber etc. where these services are purely carried by data packets. As per my view, the governance framework should address all areas that lead to loop hole where providers likely to escape and multiple interpretation of laid down provisions. The competition is good for the market economy, but access to Telephones and Internet is a Universal Service Obligation (USO) which is generally accepted.
4. Suggestions:
To address mobile coverage problems of 3G and 4G (both are now leading to end of life) can be addressed in various ways, example with Pico and Micro cells, sectorized antennas, in-building coverages deploying distributed antenna systems (DAS), consolidating assets so that service providers and share the infrastructure especially the transport network, antenna system without building towers in metropolitan areas hence destroying the aesthetic beauty.
To address mobile coverage problems of 3G and 4G (both are now leading to end of life) can be addressed in various ways, example with Pico and Micro cells, sectorized antennas, in-building coverages deploying distributed antenna systems (DAS), consolidating assets so that service providers and share the infrastructure especially the transport network, antenna system without building towers in metropolitan areas hence destroying the aesthetic beauty.
Provision of Internet services over existing copper or Fibre Optic are well developed technologies and vastly deployed in many countries. The extension of fibre footprint other than in metropolitan areas need to be explored considering the constraints of the terrain specially to reach the rural areas. Wi Fi hot pots is another way of providing equitable access to internet in the rural and sub-urban areas.
Although the competition among the providers is healthy, the competition needs to be regulated to address the access in the rural areas as well. Having demarcating areas and assign each and every one to invest in non-profit areas of rural sector. These principles are not new but adopted in many countries to increase the penetration thus fulfilling USO. I believe, TRCSL being the sole regulator will closely look into the public grievances both in Metropolitan, Suburban and Rural areas and consolidate some of the idea’s written herein. Also, most importantly, to have fair tariff system without and not resorting to asymmetric traffic where the service provider with larger footprint and market share to benefit this diminishing the competition.
5. Conclusion
I believe the public grievances and complaints are neither specific nor inheritance to Sri Lanka alone, this happening elsewhere even in the developed countries. However, need to be managed effectively without flimsy and un-substantive excuses. The regulator and the ombudsman should be two independent organizations with very specific powers vested to them so that grievances/complaints are heard and penalties are imposed while redressing the situation. Hopefully, one day Sri Lankan will have reasonable access so that every person as per their needs will be benefited. It is also important that specific task-oriented activities should be derived from the subject government strategy document and expedite the commencement of delivery the goals set out therein. As Sri Lanka is experiencing debt crisis, Learning the lessons from the past projects and ventures, I suggest that present government will explore and adopt a similar approach that late former President J R Jayewardena took to accelerated Mahaweli project and also how Sri Lanka built the national TV infrastructure in 1980s.
It is also of concern the level of security to be devised to prevent cyber-attacks on both network information. Various levels of access and authorisations are essential through application of DNS and Radius servers, TSL/SSL certificate, Network Address Translations (NAT) etc, to list few. The right level of network/information security must be implemented with explosive growth of Internet protecting sensitive and confidential information going into the hands of criminals. In the event of attacks and to find the root cause, proper logs to be maintained for analysis is vital. In the Sri Lankan context, It was reported lately loss of important and sensitive information and data with no valid reason. This demonstrates the inadequacy and limitation of FIIS, by regular backups, archiving and storage will secure and protect configurations of systems, detailed and meta data enabling restorations.
Finally, as per the report of SOUTH ASIAN TELECOMMUNICATIONS REGULATOR’S COUNCIL (STARC) of Asia Pacific Telecommunity (APT)
adopted at the 17th meeting, October 2016 shows that Sri Lanka has aptitude and appetite for Internet taking a 20th out of 32 higher than India and Bangladesh in IDI (ICT Development Index). Where are we now, I am ending with famous phrase of Latin, Quo Vadis Sri Lanka, where are we heading Sri Lanka?
Author wishes to acknowledge the assistance given by former Head of Telecommunication Department, colleagues and SME/academics in the field of ICT
[1] https://www.sundaytimes.lk/210711/business-times/climbing-trees-to-get-phone-signals-448806.html
[2] https://www.sundaytimes.lk/210711/news/oh-no-not-again-the-internet-is-stuck-449071.htm
[3] Detailed Study of the Lanka eGovernment Strategy Project ICTA/AFC/IC/IC03/58
[4] https://www.internetexchangemap.com/
[5]SATRC report on IDENTIFYING WAYS TO LOWER International connectivity cost FOR THE PROVISION OF BROADBAND SERVICES, October 2016
* 1https://www.internetexchangemap.com/
* 2SATRC report on IDENTIFYING WAYS TO LOWER International connectivity cost FOR THE PROVISION OF BROADBAND SERVICES, October 2016
Eng. J L Jayawardena
CEng FIET (UK), BSc Eng. (Hons), (University of Ceylon Peradeniya), MPhil, PG Dip; Radio and Telecom (University of Sri Lanka Katubedda), MBA (Macquarie Graduate School of Management- Sydney)
ORCID ID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-1895-6444