The Official E-Newsletter of the Institution of Engineers Sri Lanka   |  Issue 49 - December 2020

Proposed Planning and Development Regulations of UDA


Urban Development Authority (UDA) intends to revise the 'Planning & Building Regulations' and the proposed draft has been forwarded to the IESL to obtain our comments on the same. 
Since the time period allowed for comments was only 08 days IESL has requested an extension. The subsequent official letters exchanged between IESL & UDA in this regard and the draft of the revised regulations can be viewed through the below links. IESL hopefully anticipates that the time extension request made by us will be considered favorably.


Proposed Draft UDA Planning & Development Regulations



Initial letter from the Deputy DG (Planning) to the IESL President (annex1)



Response letter from IESL President to the Deputy DG (Planning) (annex2)



Response letter from UDA DG to IESL President (annex3)



Response to the above letter from IESL President to Chairman of UDA


As soon as the initial email from UDA was received by the IESL, an expert committee of members was formed to study the proposed draft regulations under the following key categories.

  1. Structural
  2. Environmental
  3. Traffic
  4. Planning
  5. Building Services
  6. Mechanical 
  7. Electrical  
  8. General practices 

The study is now in progress. Once it is completed, the final report will be forwarded to UDA and other relevant authorities and be circulated among the IESL membership.

The Chairman of the committee cordially invites all IESL members to study the draft regulations and e-mail your suggestions/ comments to the  on before 30th of November 2020 so that the committee can consider the inputs of the membership during the compilation of the report.

Your valuable contribution in this regard is highly appreciated.

Thanking you,
CEO/Executive Secretary

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