Young Members Conference 2020
IESL Young Members’ Technical Conference 2020 was successfully conducted 29th October 2020 via online platform considering the prevailing situation of the country under the leadership of Eng. Navodana Kankanamge, YMS Chairman Session 2019/2020. The conference chairperson Dr. Ishani Dias and the team have done tremendous work with a massive dedication to maintain the quality of the conference.
It is a technical paper conference organized by IESL Young Members Section along with IESL Annual Sessions with the objective for all young members of IESL to present their technical papers and discuss engineering related topics with industry professionals and academia.
IESL Young Members’ Technical Conference 2020 received 98 submissions in the areas of Aeronautical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Computer Science Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering, Marine Engineering, Material Engineering and Mechanical Engineering. YMS has appointed a separate conference sub-committee for organizing the conference this year and after the peer-review process, 23 papers were accepted for the presentation with the generous contribution of 62 voluntary reviewers.
This was the first IESL YMS technical conference which is organized by a separate sub-committee of IESL Young Members' section along with the IESL Annual Sessions. Organizing committee and reviewers worked responsibly and hard to review each paper and with the limited time frame we provide at least two reviews for each paper.
YMS thank the President and the Council of IESL, Editorial Board of IESL, paper reviewers, members of the judging panel, YMS Committee, YMS Conference Subcommittee, IESL Secretariat and each and every person who directly or indirectly committed and volunteered for the success of this effort. Specially academic staff members and undergraduates of all engineering universities have get involved for this conference in various way by backing the conference committee. Obviously it would not have been possible without the dedication of those individuals.