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As you all are well aware, IESL elections to appoint new office bearers for the 2015-2016 Sessions is over and the elected list of names already displayed. During the election period, there have been several complaints about improper campaigning by some candidates. Finally, I too was accused, as a previous editorial had been circulated among members for campaigning. I wish to reiterate to our members that I did not have any intention of supporting any candidate as the editorial was composed in May, BUT, I stand by what I wrote as correct and valid.
There will be a huge amount of expectations that the general membership anticipate from the new team. Our members are always provided with the latest and its required know-how through CPD programmes. However, what is lacking is the welfare of our members. Although there are several programmes and funds to look after members’ needs, still, our membership has been very silent on this issue. Have you ever thought of what IESL can do for you while you think about what you can do for the IESL?
This time we observed a good trend of voting; more than 1600 members had voted. If that high percentage compared to previous year’s is due to campaigning, then it tells us a story that our members are still not interested in participating actively in IESL activities. We are heading towards a very busy month at IESL with lots of activities; Inauguration, TECHNO, AGM, Annual Sessions etc. If you actively participate in these events, it will be an encouragement to those who organize the events and, most importantly, your junior engineers do consider this as an example and participate in all those activities with much enthusiasm. Therefore, I request the Senior Engineers to treat these events as special in your diary and participate in groups. Please always remember, IESL is yours.
Udeni P. Nawagamuwa