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Tell Your Story through IESL Digital SLEN

It's time to tell YOUR STORY through IESL Digital SLEN with full multimedia glory ( videos, photos, voices, etc.). It's time to write about YOUR organization, university, school, leaders you respect, projects, industry, invention, innovation, CSR project, poems, short stories, photo journals, hobbies, etc. It's not just about the Author in you. It's also about Your Personal Voice related to IESL matters. Therefore, write articles to improve IESL, profession, engineering education, and Letters to the Editor. Be the solution to our problems/opportunities.


We respectfully invite YOU to unleash the creative side of an engineer! Please send your completed content to Editor SLEN ( ) in MS Word or PDF format. If you have digital content, ensure they are in proper format ( Video: MP4, Photo: JPG, Voice: MP3). You can add multimedia content from your digital smart phones, cameras, etc. that are always with you. More importantly, if you want IESL to video film an article, write to Editor SLEN ( ). We will come with a crew to do that.


Digital SLEN now goes to all the members, monthly, via email and it's links are published on IESL Facebook page and IESL Twitter ( please follow @iesllanka and get a Twitter account at Archives are available at our website (


IESL Publicity department is planning to go beyond our family of engineers and go public with digital SLEN in the near future. More on this later. So it's an opportune time for you to unleash your creativity and/or collaborate with your colleagues to create your articles. Let's take the glory of Sri Lankan engineers to every corner of the world. Let's show the world our right brain and left brain at work through non engineering articles.


Any questions? please contact IESL Manager Publicity at , Mobile: 071-109 4393.


Executive Secretary

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Digital SLEN Issue 22
Digital SLEN Issue 21
Digital SLEN Issue 20
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