IESL has gone digital in its communications with members worldwide. To keep your profile up to date, go to MyIESL and "edit" when needed. To do that, you will need a current email address in our membership management system. If you don't have an email in the system, please contact membership department on nimesha@iesl.lk |
image : thecurionomist.wordpress.com |
President's Corner - ‘ ENGINEER’ , the peer reviewed quarterly journal of the IESL |
Dear Members,
In this corner I would like to focus on the ‘ ENGINEER’ , the peer reviewed quarterly journal of the IESL. Published since 1973 it has pride of place as the foremost medium for sharing local engineering research literature and professional insights among engineers in Sri Lanka. Articles are published under two sections.
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Want to find and contact; batch-mate, friend at a specific location, contact at an organization, mentor for your Charter process, an arbitrator, a building service engineer, a structural engineer, an adjudicator, IESL Staff Member, a Council Member...go to IESL Digital Directories - Always Up to Date and Up from Anywhere in the World. |
Council Decisions |
Members are encouraged to subscribe to this or any other forum while in a forum (link at the top right corner of a forum's main page) to get auto updates on posting to their emails.
At the end of another IESL election… |
As you all are well aware, IESL elections to appoint new office bearers for the 2015-2016 Sessions is over and the elected list of names already displayed. During the election period, there have been several complaints about improper campaigning by some candidates. Finally, I too was accused, as a previous editorial had been circulated among members for campaigning.
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All IESL Publications at Your Perusal. Don't miss knowledge treasure troves, information. You can always come back to find what you forgot. Use digital publications, save the environment. Read here...
Sri Lanka / India CEPA - It matters to us as Citizens and Engineers by Eng. Arjuna Manamperi |
Today nations are moved / moving away from "trade protectionism" that prevailed few decades ago and have embraced in principal that "global trade" is good for all provided that it is conducted in an orderly manner governed by agreed upon set of laws/rules which certainly should contain clear arbitration procedures to settle disputes.
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Recipe for Effective Meetings by Eng. Arjuna Manamperi |
First, it will be worthwhile to track diligently the amount of time you spend at meetings including the travel time to them ( if you don't use the commute to get things done ). Just track for one typical week in your work life. As you walk in to a meeting and sit; put the date and time on a paper and then as you are about to leave note the time. At the end of the week, tally the total time. Then under that number write down what have YOU ACHIEVED last week as RESULTS ..not just FMI or FYI. Your ROI.
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Is saying “Thank You” really difficult? by Pavithra Abhayawardana |
When it comes to being grateful and paying back, our grandparents were the best. They remembered every little thing another has done for them, and tried to compensate throughout their lives. Our parents were a bit relaxed, but they were better than us. But we have a very limited memory capacity with gratitude these days.
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Profile Settings and Privacy Settings of the IESL Membership Management System |
While many ICT tools have been introduced and are being used at IESL, the cornerstone is our Membership Management System. A cloud based, software as a service ( SaaS ) application called Wild Apricot. By now, if not all of us, many of us are making use of its features to our benefit. Through past digital SLENs, we have given details of its features and how to use them.
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Accessed from My IESL section on IESL Website |
Post organizational vacancies suitable for other members as well as Your availability for consulting and full time jobs. To access this exclusive service for members, you will need credentials to login. If you are not setup, please contact IESL Membership Department or email - nimesha@iesl.lk
Sri Lanka Engineering News
The Institution of Engineers Sri Lanka
120/15, Wijerama Mawatha, Colombo 7, Sri Lanka.
+94 11 269 8426+94 11 269 8426 ext: 232
dir.pub@iesl.lk | www.iesl.lk