Let this year gather speed in building up on the many improvements of the past in our infrastructure, systems and processes at the secretariat, the connectivity we have achieved with our locally dispersed members and those caught up in the wave of global migration of skills and residing overseas, prestige and recognitions brought by permanent membership in international mechanisms for mutual recognition of engineering competencies and education and the authority accrued thereby for accreditation of degree programmes in the country for their recognition, the high esteem of the presidency of the Federation of Engineering Institutions for Central and South Asia (FEISCA) bestowed upon the President of the IESL , the Memorandum of Understanding for mutual recognition with Institution of Engineers Australia (Engineers Australia) to facilitate mobility of Professional Engineers from one country to the other, etc., etc.
Let this year be memorable for a big boost for Young Engineers to derive the best benefits through promotion of skills through Debating Competitions, Entrepreneurs and Startups Forum, Water Forum and activities especially of the Young Members Section and the dynamic involvement of our Student Chapter Members. Let these be the upward ladder for the creativity and inventions bubbling up from the cauldrons of a fully energized Undergraduate Inventor of the Year Competition and the much successful Junior Inventor of the Year Competition for school children. Let there be an upward movement of our members worldwide as never before with the progressive decentralization to the chapters of our professional development programmes and the evaluation and testing of competency for the Charter. The streamlining of functions of its secretariat using technologies of the times is being taken a step further by the 5S system implementation now underway. Policies that would support this accelerated journey to our vision would be formulated with the care and in consistency with the Act of Incorporation and By-Laws of the institution that the Council has always demonstrated. So let’s get together and do it. We have it within us to do it.
Thank you.
Eng. Jayavilal Meegoda
President, Institution of Engineers, Sri Lanka
President, Federation of Engineering Institutions of Central and South Asia