Current IESL by Laws allow a grace period of unprecedented 11 months (Nov 30, 2013). Through the new Membership Management System, members who have not paid have been alerted via email and for this year only, reminder letters have been posted. When you login to the new system you will see the invoice and the methods to pay.
If not paid by Nov 30, 2013, the system will automatically remove the defaulters (on Dec 1, 2013) membership and electronic directories will not show their names. Losing membership means losing the Charter for the corporate members. All those who lose will have to go through a reinstatement process as per the by laws which is similar to obtaining a new membership under prevailing rules!!. Next year new laws will come into place to further tighten the process and grace periods. So please pay your dues and be considerate towards policies and ethics of the IESL. Contact Miss. Nimesha or Mr. N.P.P.K Costa at the IESL Membership Department on 011-2698426, ext 220 or e-mail your message.