IESL Mechanical Engineering Sectional Committee (MESC) activities are driven by its 2015/2016 session theme TIE ( Transport - Innovation - Energy). We believe TIE elements directly impact Sri Lanka's economic progress. MESC Lecture Series on Energy is an attempt to bring much needed awareness to our own engineers and the public to create an informed dialog about Sri Lanka's future energy policy.
In the video (13 min) below, our Renewable Energy Champion - Eng. Parakrama L Jayasinghe (FIESL) is being interviewed by Eng. Damith Senadheera (MIESL) about the ongoing lecture series and why we all should come to those and bring as many public members including your loved ones.
Energy Belongs To ALL. Carefully harnessing energy is OUR responsibility. Doing so with the environment in mind is paramount!
Eng. Arjuna Manamperi
Chairman - MESC