Dear President and Council,
Increased use of ICT within GoSL to connect and communicate with the masses is commendable. Use of web based social media tools by politicians, progressive private and public sector organizations is increasing daily. In fact, recently Bill Gates and Millinda Gates foundation recognized GoSL ICTA initiatives - Nana Sala and Gnanodaya Digital Librarary - with a million dollar gift for taking ICT to the villages effectively in the past decade. There are lots of improvements in service centered organizations like Pension Department, RMV, etc. Now GoSL is going to get realtime input from masses, here is the most recent example.
Complaints related to private buses via SMS from today - Minister
This is in line with the very successful SMS based initiative launched in some Indian states to report bribery incidents. This is democracy in play on a level playing ground. Everyone has a mobile phone! Privacy is what we need to protect.
Now, what prevents IESL from online voting, getting feedback via Twitter or SMS directly to the The President and the Council about the services provided by the Secretariat, any unethical practices, etc.. We have already begun a digital journey in 2012/13 session of which we are seen some benefits. But, we must go for realtime feedback and suggestion systems / news systems with SMS gateways, Twitter ( micro blogging - we maintain a tweeter account which members can follow and post - @IESLLANKA - that was established during my tenure as ICT Com. Chairman ), etc. to show that we ( IESL) are "at least moving with the times" for better! We must also inform our members of the Council proceedings and other committee proceedings monthly via already established Forums. We must have such processes available and "marketed" to the public so that our members could take socially beneficial actions. We as an organization still have a long way to go in terms of public relationship building. Let's start with members!! Any national level initiatives by IESL must be given full exposure as they happen through our SMS and Twitter accounts to which members will subscribe to.
The President and the Council must be reachable to members all over the world instantaneously. Our actions and methods must make others to respect us as socially responsible leaders of technological initiatives in many sectors.
IESL has most of the tools (Twitter, Forums, Blogs, FaceBook, membership management system, online registration for events, etc.) setup, but, we must LEAD the way in using them in beneficial ways to the members. As a Council Member of 2014/15 session, I plan to push for these improvements with our progressive leadership.
Arjuna Manamperi
Chair - IESL Mechanical Engineering Sectional Committee (2014/2015)
Chair - IESL ICT Committee (2012/2013)