SLEN Case Study of the month - Lakvijaya Coal Power Station, Norochcholai. |
The objective of the SLEN featured article is to explore technical aspects of selected engineering sites in Sri Lanka. In the process we try to investigate engineering features of those sites which are not discussed in main stream media. Our intention is to create academic conversations on those sites. We do not have any intention to fuel politically motivated, technically baseless mass conversations created in the society by the so called "mass media". We are glad to invite you to join with us to create academic base conversations on engineering localities which will decide the future of our country, Sri Lanka.
In our continued effort to promote academic discussions through informed articles on the subject of Power and Energy, the Publications Team of the IESL embarked on yet another power generation facility of the CEB and case study of infrastructure and processes. The feature article in this issue of the Digital SLEN explores the Norochcholai Coal Power Plant.
Case study and full Report on Norochcholai Coal Power Plant Follows |
Kuda Vilachchiya - A journey to the past |
It felt like a journey to the past when I walked through the ancient earth embankment of “Kuda Wilachchiya” with a group of irrigation and archeology officials. The ruins of the ancient earth embankment, sluices, spill in the midst of Wilpattu national park would certainly bring the same feeling to anyone who visits there.
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Data Sovereignty and the Cloud |
Organizations looking to benefit from the scalability, agility, and capital cost savings of cloud computing inevitably encounter the issues of data privacy and security. In the corporate data center, data security and privacy are mostly about protection from hackers and insiders.
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Transforming IESLin to a professional organization |
It’s time for reaping benefits from recent efforts put in to transforming IESLin to a professional organization that is in par with internationally recognized professional bodies. Concerted efforts at expediting improvements to IESL infrastructure (begun in the previous sessions) have yielded results. Thus, in this session, IESL is the beholder of a modern canteen, a modernized auditorium with state of the art multimedia presentation tools, refurbished lecture rooms with modern facilities, etc.
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One year in office as Editor of SLEN |
I would like to thank all readers who sent in their suggestions and critical comments to improve the quality of the SLEN. IESL President, Eng. Tilak De Silva was always behind me to encourage the changes I proposed and his guidance was invaluable. Digital SLEN was a fruit of the efforts put by the ICT chairman, Eng. Arjuna Manamperi with the continuous back up of the President/IESL and I sincerely hope that it will blossom into a very popular IESL publication with a giant subscriber network.
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Setting up your personal profile in the new IESL Membership Management Tool |
This section of the eSLEN is dedicated to information and communication technology (ICT) matters that are of importance to the members. By having a dedicated section we are emphasizing the important role ICT is playing in our professional and personal lives.
In the next few eSLENs we plan to emphasize the benefits and importance of using our new membership management software - Wild Apricot - to garner maximum out of it as individuals, as groups, and as an organization.
Listen to the full Audio Clip |
IESL Corporate Planning - Workshop in Kandy on the 31st of August 2013 |
The purpose of the workshop was to come up with a Working Business Plan to execute the draft Corporate Plan. The morning session was dedicated to a message from the President that articulated the challenges he faced during his tenure so far in executing operational aspects of the institution and the opportunities we have to improve. Dr. Travis Perera made a great presentation on why an organization like ours should examine structural changes as time goes on.
Read the Article |
Sri Lanka Engineering News
The Institution of Engineers Sri Lanka
120/15, Wijerama Mawatha, Colombo 7, Sri Lanka.
+94 11 269 8426 ext: 232
dir.pub@iesl.lk | www.iesl.lk