The Institution of Engineers Sri Lanka (IESL) is a multidisciplinary professional engineering institution in Sri Lanka. It is the foremost institute for engineers in this country.
Be amongst the leading professional institutions in engineering and technology in the world.
To be the apex national body of engineers in Sri Lanka which ensures internationally recognized and locally relevant standards in the professional practice and education in engineering, while actively supporting national development and diligently serving its members and the society at large.
Undergraduate Inventor of the Year (UIY) is a committee in IESL that aims to encourage and stimulate undergraduate’s interest in inventions related to engineering. It also focuses on providing an opportunity for engineering undergraduates to organize and present their inventions.
This program is a unique platform for recognizing and rewarding the nation's most outstanding and innovative undergraduate students and showcasing the emerging ideas and inventions that will shape the future. Judges will evaluate each entry for its originality, inventiveness, scope of use and potential social, environmental or economic value. Winners will enjoy exclusive cash prizes, awards, certificates and the opportunity to patent their inventions.
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